Update Contact Information or Last Name
Updating contact information is easy with the fillable form below.
We understand that life circumstances change. We are here to help and want to make any transition easier for you. It is easy to add or remove names on your current lease agreement. Keep in mind, any new residents 18+ living at a Wolf and Kline property will need to submit a completed application. Once approved we will contact you to finalize this change.
If you would like to add an occupant to your current lease agreement who is 18+, they will need to submit a completed application and then be approved as an occupant at your unit. In the Property Information section of the application please make a note to “add occupant” and be sure to include the rental address. Ex: 123 Main Street – Add Occupant. All lease holders will need to sign the addendum when an occupant is approved by management.
If you are the lease holder and would like to have a currently listed occupant removed from your lease agreement, please email [email protected] with the request to have an addendum completed to update the occupants. All lease holders will need to sign the addendum when it is created.
To apply as a Lease Holder please fill out our lease application. In the ‘Property Information” section of the application note: Address – I AM APPLYING AS A SOLE LEASE HOLDER or WITH A NEW ROOMATE. Once approved to be the sole lease holder or have roommate names changed, an addendum will need to be signed by all current lease holders and any new lease holders.
*Note: Changes cannot be made to lease holders’ names in the initial year of the lease agreement.
To add a pet in one of our pet friendly properties (fees and restrictions apply), simply email your request to [email protected] with the details of your pet including breed, weight, and date of change. Our office will be in contact with you regarding fees and addendum to your lease agreement.
Updating contact information is easy with the fillable form below.